About this.
Welcome to my blog.
This place for me is for filing the thoughts that sometimes come to me so strongly that I need to conserve them. All of them are absolutely real and true, however partly literally edited.
The language will mainly be English, although an Estonian topic will remain for updates such as weather, weight and wellness (mainly for Mum, Dad and the rest of the relatives), and as soon as I feel ready to express myself in written bärndütsch (an obvious contradiction, yes), I will do so.
You are welcome to comment, either here or wasarik@hotmail.com
This place for me is for filing the thoughts that sometimes come to me so strongly that I need to conserve them. All of them are absolutely real and true, however partly literally edited.
The language will mainly be English, although an Estonian topic will remain for updates such as weather, weight and wellness (mainly for Mum, Dad and the rest of the relatives), and as soon as I feel ready to express myself in written bärndütsch (an obvious contradiction, yes), I will do so.
You are welcome to comment, either here or wasarik@hotmail.com
tinkerblond - 10. Mai, 16:07