A Decade of A Relationship

Or On How It All Started

Today ten years ago I first set my high heeled feet on the land of high mountains, delicious chocolate, cows and their bells, extremely smelly cheese, passionate skiing and gold. During those ten years I have learnt that there are so many other things there: the amazingly green waters, the impecable sorting of garbage, excellent public transportation, very good bread, snowboarding and somewhat suspicious gold.

Arriving at Zurich Airport on August 2nd 1996 my first decision was never to wear heels again. Except for the operas in the Bernese Stadttheater I almost never did. And so the relationship started – a real one, with making compromises where you have to and defending your rights when necessary. I mean, I can learn your language but I will never put butter on the bread and then top it with jam, thank you.

I remember many little things from that first day. The colourful flags on the windows, the people being very small and constantly repeating the two words meaning has been and exactly: gsy and genau. I remember the horryfying thought of being stuck in here for the whole year and wondering why on earth did I have to leave the best place on Earth there is.

Today, ten years later I cannot imagine living without the feeling of being constantly torn by comparing everything Swiss to the Estonian equivalent, occasionally undergoing showers of extensive patriotism and at the same time notice growing signs of becoming Swiss. Like getting used to the till-lady at Migros thanking you six times while you are getting your basket paid as well as having bread and jam for breakfast. Bread and jam! The weird thing about it is not the food but rather the fact that I enjoy it, I even look forward to having one every morning… I will always be a proud Estonian and always keep a good pair of pumps at a go but I have learned to honour and like the people in the small country of army knives, blue glaciers, clean streets and great kitchen. Despite their somewhat frightening policy on foreigners and putting jam on macaroni Switzerland has been nice to me and could soon take my masters in sorting garbage.

It has been exactly ten years. I will go to Migros and buy a loaf of their potato bread with nuts toight I think. I do not necessarily like chocolate but some celebration is due.
tinc (Gast) - 11. Aug, 12:57


Mitte keegi ei kommenteeri... Ma ka ei julge, aga... märgi mahajätmise nimel siiski annan kiusatusele järele ja toksin: Estonia loves you too! :)




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Bold enough:-P
I like your lectures about the life and ways in the...
Klodynis - 8. Feb, 21:23

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