Current Itches and Plans. And some SMS-s.

About how sometimes you plan and sometimes it just happens.

Changing Plans.
I occasionally plan every step ahead: pencil in, make a note, set a reminder. But mostly it’s the itch… Call it a tick, a prickle, a tingle - sometimes it is just there. I am sure all of you have felt the desire to take this extra step over the edge and see what its like to fly. The urge that makes you do things people do not necessarily hold for reasonable. Or fun. Mostly, they then occur upon a total impulse – like leaving the country, going jogging, sending an sms to a random somebody at night, staying in bed with DVD-s while the whole of Switzerland is watching their national team play against the South Korea. /…/
Of course, the sms is usually sent to the current fancy. And this is never reasonable.

Age Itch.
I would like to believe that this special itch has something to do with my age. You know, like the almost-thirties, or the post-twenty-five-crisis period. You have always seen worse and everything seems very easy. I probably drive a lot of people around me nuts with my current no-problem attitude. I mean, how long can you stand somebody that passionately loves washing up every evening? And if it has nothing to do with me being 27 and a half then I do not know what it is.
On the other hand - I went to a concert the other day. Mendelssohn was thirteen when he wrote Magnificat. I cannot really think of a sound age a human can have.

Reoccurring Itches.
I went to this Cuban Dance Class the other night and watching my body taking as wild turns as a white sausage next to a muscular African can take I realized another itch had soothed. I was so relaxed I wasn’t even a bit distracted about the fact that I had bought new sneakers especially for this occasion and found out at the door that African is danced barefoot… Even if currently in a bit lousy shape – this girl can still dance. And I can always put the sneakers on the next time I feel an urge to jog. Happens regularily around once a month.

Itch Control.
I believe there is a wise Estonian proverb that says you should not make decisions in the evening, instead, leave them for the next morning. Surely the old Estonians did not know anything about modern planning strategies but back to the basics - you should not mess with important stuff after the sun has been on its highest. I am trying to keep that in mind when smsing at night. Blaaaaah, doesn’t really work, does it. And then you wake up in the morning and it is a bit embarrassing and you are a bit angry at yourself for doing it…

Plan Control?
My sister sent me an sms the other day and said her digital camera had gotten stolen. Later that night I casually went through my astrological calendar and I almost could not believe that actually, the Capricorns had been to pay extra attention to their belongings that day due to an increased theft danger… Could it be that if you looked for signs they would be everywhere to show you the way? Should you have your hair cut on a day the moon is in Scorpio because it makes them grow faster?

Take an itch.
A wise friend of mine always told me not to decide at all when a decision is hard to fall. And since I couldn’t decide how I wanted to spend my Friday night I went to bed with Mac and we saw around seven sequences of Scrubs instead of watching the Swiss play football.

And make a plan.
I will love my sister even without her camera and that’s what I told her. But she is coming to visit tomorrow and a camera would have been so nice…
I will still itch it now for some time and then make a plan for what I am going to do with my life or so. But at the moment I am just chillin it.

I think I will go to cinema tonight. Mhmh.




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Bold enough:-P
I like your lectures about the life and ways in the...
Klodynis - 8. Feb, 21:23

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