Mittwoch, 28. Februar 2007


Or How Things Are Decided, Said and Done

If I had to describe myself as a person I would say something like fun and easy. I guess I could add complicated in some cases. And perhaps a bit demanding. Maybe a little stringent. But in general I have always seemed to be a nice person to myself. Definitely diplomatic. Even lazy.

What I have noticed in my new job, is that I tend to be reacted to as strict, hard and fast in an unconditional way. I went to one of our kitchens and the smell of fried oil hit my nose. The obviously non-existent ventilation system must have had given up months ago. So I casually mentioned it to one of my colleagues in charge of household on my way to lunch the same day and the next morning, found myself accused of being rude to a whole line of employees. But no one has ever said anything like this before! I was told.

My dear sister is a kick-ass hair stylist. She once told me how a customer came in to her salon and greeted her, saying: Hi, remember me? I am the one you called egghead three weeks ago! I remembered the story when I had to face a shaken cleaning lady.

I have realized that even if I am in fact a peaceful, creative and cool boss, what ever I decide, say or do is an assault against what has been before. Even if my sister had lightheartedly referred to the actual shape of the gentleman’s head, and therefore, probably a fitting haircut, obvious things are difficult to be heard, sometimes.

But sometimes they have to be said. The kitchen did stink.



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Meine Kommentare

Bold enough:-P
I like your lectures about the life and ways in the...
Klodynis - 8. Feb, 21:23

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