Freitag, 6. Oktober 2006

live 1 |liv|


A couple of weeks ago I could witness another juicy proof of the things that only happen in Switzerland - the Swiss Post had glued a note on our mailbox requiring to write my name on it in case I really lived there. We naturally obliged immediately and smirking. In an odd way, however, when I saw my name typed on the milkbox, the seemingly insignificant detail actually made me feel I was now really living here and not just residing at someone`s basement any more.

[ intrans. ] make one's home in a particular place or with a particular person :

Besides residing at the above mentioned address I have found a career path in house sitting. Claudia is on holiday in Spain so I get to inhabit her lovely light three-room roof apartement at Monbijou. I am happily alone and that leaves me the freedom to invite other good people to join me. Just yesterday I had a bunch of them over for a four-course dinner, even though they needed to bring their own cutlery…

have an exciting or fulfilling life :
Besides waking up with John Legend every day, I am enjoying the obvious advantages of living alone: dancing naked across the living room to the shower in the morning with the sun shining through the glass doors, brushing my teeth on the balkony watching people going to work and being fulfilled with the thought of my day off…

supply oneself with the means of subsistence :
I never wash up until there are no clean dishes left and then make the decision to go to Musig Bistro next door for lunch instead. Or eat a divine bowl of K Special Flakes right before midnight because I have forgotten eating the whole day and there is nothing else in the fridge.

be alive at a specified time :
For me it is definitely the late hours. I am one of those who can easily swift between day and night and wake up at four o’clock in the afternoon after watching Scrubs until five in the morning. My mind seems to start working after the clock has stroke midnight – this is when I get creative, nibble at my thesis, write my blog, toy with other interesting projects…

spend one's life in a particular way or under particular circumstances :
I came here six months ago with the idea to be going on again by now. Instead, last Monday I issued my application to prolong my living permit for another half a year. I have seen how plans change, circumstances change, I change… So for now, I am not going to change my address but rather living the life as it comes.



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Meine Kommentare

Bold enough:-P
I like your lectures about the life and ways in the...
Klodynis - 8. Feb, 21:23

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