Botox Corner

Donnerstag, 1. Juni 2006


of a pale sandy yellowish-brown color : the beige tiles of the kitchen floor.

My hat collection has got a new honourable member – it is a new cafe au lait Guess in loose fit and he was so welcome that I had the fat sales assistant cut the tales and put it right on. Besides, it was one of the days you should have really washed your hair but got up too late to do it and in these ones, a cap is always welcome. However, this is not quite my main point today.
After this satisfying purchase I wanted to just step by Loeb, the department store in the heart of Berne. Ten years ago it seemed big, posh and expensive. It is still expensive but not so upper-class any more... However. I entered Loeb, the department store with a plain wish to buy a certain kajal I love so much (that's eye-make up, boys) and take my number ten right from behind the sock's counter. I approached the Clinique woman but she was busy with an elderly lady buying moisturiser. I waited-waited-waited for about a minute and since she kept selling daycreme I decided to quickly run to the last floor for some wool for my next scarf. I bought some of that pale brownish and oatmeal one with golden scraps. Anyway, when I got back downstears she was finally ready to serve on me. I had almost got what I had come for when she said she could give me a gift if I bought something else, such as an eye-shadow or so. What the hell, a good eye-shadow always comes in handy. With one eye looking at the time and the other for its shadow I picked one in wet sand. She glanced at me and said: Jaah, ds isch äbä scho grad iri faarb. /You are all about beige, aren’t you?/. Bitch.
I do not know when I got to be beige. I used to always be the babe in black, white or pink. It’s not the age, is it? Or you think?

Mittwoch, 17. Mai 2006

Ühel öhtul Frankfurdis

Aeg on juba hiline. Kell on palju. Väsinud. Pilk peeglisse, käega üle silmade. Jälle jäid virsikuvärvi rätikusse kaks hallisegust laiku. Kerge ohe peegelpilti. Naeratus. Oma tuppa ja voodisse.

Minu tuba lõhnab hästi. Ausalt öeldes oli reisi ajal kohvris lõhnaõlipudel veidi läbi lasknud ja nüüd on siin kogu aeg õhk õrnalt chaneline.

Mac on edev, kuid meie armastus algas esimesest silmapilgust. Ma motlen, et ta on natuke nagu mina – sarmikas kuid veidi matsakas, kapriisne, kuid lihtne, ja kuigi seda ei pruugi kohe märgata, on tegelikult iga detail paigas. Muidugi, need kes teda tunnevad, teavad, et iga detail on alati paigas.

Ma armastan seda tunnet – mitte teada, mis homme toob. Ja endale vastu vaielda – ma tean täpselt, mis homme toob. Riskid ei ole minu jaoks, ehkki vahel end kõrvalt vaadates võiks jääda mulje vastupidisest.
Nii tulin ma täna vannitoast. Käsi oleks pidanud kreemitama, aga kes seda viitsib. Homme on ka aeg.



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Bold enough:-P
I like your lectures about the life and ways in the...
Klodynis - 8. Feb, 21:23

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